About Us

Kendeil Indfarad : An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company

Kendeil Indfarad Electronics Pvt Ltd (KIEPL), an ISO 9001:2015 certified company is a joint venture between KENDEIL S.r.l., Italy and the MEHER Group, India for the Design and Manufacture of Aluminium Electrolytic capacitors. The joint venture will focus on addressing the Indian market needs and other targeted regions.

The state of art manufacturing plant is located at Bangalore. The products are made using advanced machinery, integrated technologies and production processes, which are regularly updated to meet the highest international performance and quality standards. Production range spreads over entire range of Screw type & Snap-in type Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitors-IKEN Series. Our reference standard is IEC.

Company’s continuous effort in improvement in technology and usage of computer controlled automatic machines gives it a leading role in the market of electronic components. Flexibility of its structure enables it to meet needs of custom designed products. Entire range of products offered are of reliable performance and competitively priced.

R&D activities in Europe reinforce capabilities that are critical for evolving contemporary products & enhancing long term competitiveness. The unique vertically integrated business model of KENDEIL combined with the strengths of MEHER will offer a distinctly superior long-term value proposition to our customers accross the geographies.


Headquartered in Bangalore, India, since 1977, the MEHER group has business interests in strategically selected ares in the energy domain such as passive components, thin film dielectrics, dynamic electrical braking systems.

About Kendeil

Kendeil Group is the leading producer of power electronic components for all power inverter applications such as wind and solar power, industrial motor drives, UPS, battery charges and aluminium foil for electrolytic capacitors with more than 36 years of experience.